Luggage ID

To identify your luggage certainly and to protect against change and theft, we offer the suitable articles to the luggage to identification. Luggage Tag Holder in different forms and colours. Luggage chains, loops and small belts from leather or plastic.

Luggage Tag Holder hard plastic.
Clear protective foil in front, suitable for calling cards, printable back.
68,00 EUR
0,68 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs

152 mms of adaptable plastic loop.
These loops offer an easy and reasonable solution for the connection of Tag Holders in luggage Pcss, acts, letter, sport or other bags.

15,00 EUR
0,15 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs

NPS Chain with metal fastener
Diverent length.

from 120,00 EUR
0,12 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
152 mms of luggage strap real leather
black. Buckle with brass cover, two holes
35,00 EUR
0,35 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
178 mms of luggage strap, real leather,
black buckle with brass cover, five holes
35,00 EUR
0,35 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
181 mms  luggage strap real leather, black. Buckle with nickel platet cover, four holes
40,00 EUR
0,40 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
187 mms of luggage strap synthetics, colorfully with passage fastener, notch.
15,00 EUR
0,15 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Suitcase belt 50 mms wide, 1.7 m long.
Belt paint after default (Pantone).
260,00 EUR
2,60 EUR per Pcs
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
1 to 8 (from a total of 8)